Attorney Fees
Attorney Fees
R.L. Turner Corporation v. Town of Brownsburg (Ind. March 9, 2012) The Supreme Court clarified that a trial court may permissibly enter an award for attorney fees after it dismisses a claim.
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Criminal Jury Instructions
Criminal Jury Instructions
​Garrett v. State (Ind. Ct. App. March 7, 2012) The Court of Appeals held it was reversible error to refuse to instruct the jury on the lesser-included offense of possession of methamphetamine in addition to the charge of dealing methamphetamine.
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Police and Firefighter Disability Fund
Police and Firefighter Disability Fund
​Thatcher v. City of Kokomo (Ind. March 6, 2012) In this case, the Indiana Supreme Court answered two certified questions from the United States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana regarding the 1977 Fund, a disability and pension fund for police officers and firefighters
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Personal Jurisdiction
Personal Jurisdiction
Davis v. Simon (Ind. Ct. App. Feb. 29, 2012) This case involves the oft-litigated issue of personal jurisdiction.
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Underinsured Motorists Coverage
Underinsured Motorists Coverage
Hanna v. Indiana Farms Mutual Insurance Company (Ind. Ct. App. Feb. 29, 2012) This case involves an underinsured motorists (UIM) claim brought by the parents of a child killed in a two-car collision during a drag race.
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Motorist's Duty to other Motorists
Motorist's Duty to other Motorists
Brown v. Hamilton (Ind. Ct. App. Feb. 28, 2012)The Court of Appeals held that a driver who signals to a second driver that it is safe to proceed owes a duty to a third motorist who is injured because of the second driver’s reasonable reliance on the signaling driver.
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Batson Challenges
Batson Challenges
The Supreme Court handed down an interesting and important decision regarding Batson challenges in Addison v. State.
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Criminal Sentencing
Criminal Sentencing
Abbott v. State. The Supreme Court, in a 3-2 decision, revised a criminal defendant’s sentence from 20 years to 12 years. The defendant, who represented himself on transfer, was convicted of possessing cocaine within 1,000 feet of a school following a traffic stop.
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Online Privacy
Online Privacy
The Court of Appeals addressed an important issue – a newspaper’s obligation to reveal the identity of one who has commented on an online news story where the commentator’s statements were arguably defamatory.
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Notice Pleading
Notice Pleading
​ARC Construction Management, LLC v. Zelenak (Ind. Ct. App. Feb. 27, 2012) This case demonstrates the difficulties Indiana’s notice pleading rule sometimes causes parties seeking summary judgment.
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Interlocutory Appeals and Appellate Jurisdiction
Interlocutory Appeals and Appellate Jurisdiction
In re Indiana Newspapers v. Miller (Ind. Ct. App. Jan 18, 2012) Latest decision from the Court of Appeals regarding the Indianapolis Star’s attempt to appeal a discovery order issued by the Marion Superior Court.
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